Keeping your money working can mean a better long-term result for younger investors and higher risk investors.
BMO ARK Next Generation Internet Fund
Access the growth potential of companies involved in disruptive internet innovation from around the world. Portfolio diversification potential as fund holdings typically not found in traditional strategies and core portfolios. Portfolio Manager Cathie Woods is a thought leader for investing in disruptive innovation.
BMO ARK Genomic Revolution Fund
Access the growth potential of companies focused on gene sequencing, gene editing and living therapies. Portfolio diversification potential as fund holdings typically not found in traditional strategies and core portfolios. Portfolio Manager Cathie Woods is a thought leader for investing in disruptive innovation.
BMO ARK Innovation Fund
Access to growth through technology enabled new products or services that potentially changes the way the world works. Portfolio diversification as fund can be a complement to traditional value/growth strategies. Portfolio Manager Cathie Woods is a thought leader for investing in disruptive innovation.
BMO Global Innovators Fund
Fund positioned to benefit from innovate trends over the next decade Multi-Sector approach to Innovation Investing. Experienced Portfolio Management Team with over 20 years experience in innovation investing.
BMO Nasdaq 100 Equity ETF Fund
Gain exposure to U.S. equities listed on the NASDAQ-100 Index. Professionally managed by BMO Global Asset Management.
BMO Global Equity Fund
For investors looking for a global growth solution. Access the growth potential of some of the best companies from around the world. Core Global Equity Fund that incorporates Macro views.
BMO Concentrated Global Equity Fund
High conviction portfolio of global equities expected to outperform over the long term.
BMO Concentrated Global Balanced Fund
High conviction portfolio of global equities expected to outperform over the long term with an added fixed income sleeve to lower portfolio risk.
BMO U.S. Equity Plus Fund
A growth Fund that invests in the opportunities in Canada and the U.S. managed by BMO Capital Markets Chief Strategist, Brian Belski.