You’ve made the decision to acquire or divest a book of business. What comes next?
Helping clients plan for the future is at the core of every Advisors’ practice – and it’s no different when you’ve decided to acquire or divest a book of business. Clients may ask: What does this change mean for my investments? Will I continue to receive the level of service to which I’m accustomed? While Advisors may be eager for the transaction to close, it’s important for clients – and their families – to be adequately informed about the impact of your deal on their financial future. Open lines of communication are critical to a successful game plan, and a graceful handoff can enhance your practice, reward your success, and leave the client experience undisturbed. Here, you’ll find helpful resources to aid in your succession planning journey and ensure continued exceptional service for your clients—regardless of which side of the transaction you’re on.
George Hartman: Business Coach and Succession Planning Expert
These succession planning resources include the expert insights of . George has enjoyed a 50-year career in financial services as an Advisor, manager, executive, educator, coach, and author. He is an astute industry observer and prolific writer, having published several best-selling books for Financial Advisors including Exit is Not a Four Letter Word: How to Transition Your Practice Profitably and Proudly. For more than 10 years, George has written the regular column “The Coach’s Forum” for the trade journal Investment Executive. George has also been a featured speaker at numerous conferences in Canada, the US, Germany, the Caribbean, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, and New Zealand. As one of the financial services industry’s best-known Advisor strategists, practice management mentors and practice valuation experts, he presently coaches a number of top-producing Advisors in Canada and the US and consults with several financial services firms on their business strategy and succession plans.
CE Credit Webcast: The Secret to Advisor Succession
Join business coach George Hartman and BMO GAM Regional Sales Representative Sanjay Singla as they discuss team dynamics, portfolio construction, and strategies for optimizing the value of your business.

George Hartman
Author, Keynote Speaker, Consultant, Coach

Sanjay Singla
Director, Regional Sales, Intermediary Distribution, BMO Global Asset Management
Log in to CE Corner to access the webcast.

Acquiring or Divesting a Book of Business: Three Steps to a Successful Transition (Checklists)

Additional Resources:
The “Secret Sauce” for Advisor Succession
Succession in Progress: Lessons from a Buyer and Seller
From One Book, to Three: Making Every Transition Count
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